This workload uses a trace of importing an image collection of 68 images (434MB) from a USB stick to Windows Live Photo Gallery. Recording activity on the system drive started at the start of importing pictures and lasted until thumbnail images appeared on the display. During the trace Windows Live Photo Gallery copied images from USB stick to Pictures library, indexed them and created thumbnails. The RevoDrive 350 doesn’t really improve greatly on the other SSDs in this test hitting 33.5MB/s, while the RevoDrive 3 X2 managed 31.3MB/s and the Samsung SSD 840 Pro 30.3MB/s.

This workload uses a trace of compiling a home video from a set of video clips. The source videos were shot with a Sony HDR-HC3 and imported to the PC. The source video was 1080i MPEG-2 videos. A home video project was prepared with Windows Live Movie Maker. Recording activity on the system drive started just before clicking Publish (1080p video) and lasted until publishing finished. During the trace Movie Maker read parts of source files and wrote a single output file. The RevoDrive 350 was found to be slightly slower than the RevoDrive X2 in the video editing test while it matched the Intel SSD 520 Series.

This workload uses a trace of starting up home and office productivity applications. The PCMark 7 specification 1.0 document was copied to the desktop, the document was opened by double clicking and few seconds later Internet Explorer was started from the toolbar. Recording activity on the system drive started just before double clicking the document and lasted until both applications had started and became responsive. During the trace, Windows loaded the executables and related DLLs from the system drive. The starting application test clearly favored OCZ’s RevoDrive 350 as it hit 68.5MB/s, though it was just 7% faster than the Samsung SSD 840 Pro.

This workload uses a trace of starting World of Warcraft (we install the game, create a character and then restart the program). Recording activity on the system drive started just before logging into the game and was stopped right after the game world had loaded so far that the character could move. During the trace, the game loaded game data from the system drive. Lastly, we looked at the gaming performance in PCMark 7 and while the OCZ RevoDrive 350 came out on top it was just 0.1MB/s faster than the Samsung SSD 840 Pro.